Saturday, January 6, 2007

back at T-dub

well, Friday afternoon, my dad and I set out in a loaded down Jetta TDI, heading back to my campus. The weather was less than satisfactory, and about half an hour into a very swirly ferry ride, my stomach began to feel swirly too. I moaned and I groaned and I noted the locations of the restroom. Thankfully, i found a bench in the cafeteria, and slept until the ferry rounded the headland into Horseshoe Bay where the seas were calm. Upon entering my lovely building, Northwest, I discovered that I was the only person there. Thankfully, the other RA named Hannah arrived and we watched a very dumb movie. After that i was typing away on msn when the power went out. I squealed and I screamed and I ran down the hall because no one was here to mind my screaming. I found Hannah and she slept in Jen's bed for the night so that we werent alone in the dark.
So this morning, I woke up awake. ha, or rather, full of energy. I prayed that the Lord would give me energy in the morning so that I could spend some quality time with him. This morning felt like an answer to prayer. Especially when i peeked out the blinds and was met with a sunshiney morning! woohoo!
Day two of TWU spring 2007 coming to a close. I'll keep you posted.

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

dun dun dun!

well, a little while ago, i joined facebook (against all Jen's wishes and my better judgement) and eventually i found myself spending far too much time on it. i realized that the warnings of addiction that i had heard from many others were true. Facebook= evil. i also decided that besides being evil, facebook is unnecessary and silly. that said, i deactivated my account.
now, what shall occupy my time, how shall i communicate with my online audience who wait in anticipation for news of my latest escapades? the answer is....copy Jen and get a blog! that also means i can write one story on here, and not have to tell it a billion times on a billion different emails. soo, we'll try it. if this becomes addictive, i'll have to deactivate it as well.
here's to the new year! may we draw ever nearer to Christ and to others in love. With determination, let us press on to know him.